

onleihe schwaben
Autor:Fisher, Peggy
Titel:Learning COBOL
Erschienen:LinkedIn, 2015. - 03:04:34.00
Annotation:COBOL is an endangered language. But it once ran 80% of the world''s business systems: thousands of mission-critical applications that still exist today. Some companies want to upgrade and transition their COBOL applications to more modern frameworks; others want to stick with COBOL''s relatively stable platform. In either case, hiring managers are willing to pay a premium for candidates who know how to take on COBOL''s challenges. For this reason, programmers are learning COBOL again. This course is designed to help new and experienced programmers alike add COBOL (or add COBOL back) to their skill set. Peggy Fisher shows how to get a COBOL development environment up and running and how to start programming. She reviews COBOL''s data types and constants, control structures, file storage and processing methods, tables, and strings. Challenges issued along the way will help you practice what you''ve learned.


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