

onleihe schwaben
Autor:Croft, Chris
Titel:When Negotiation's about More than Money: How to Negotiate (Almost) Anything
Erschienen:LinkedIn, 2021. - 03:25:34
Annotation:Negotiation theory is all very well, but how can you apply it in real situations? Which tactics should you use when? In this comprehensive course, instructor Chris Croft outlines the negotiating process and applies it to real-life negotiation situations, talking you through exactly what you should do in order to get the best possible outcome. Often these situations are about much more than money-they are about finding a win-win outcome that covers all of the tradeables. You can use this comprehensive course as a reference library, so that you can refer directly to the section relevant to your current situation. Note: This course was created by Chris Croft. We are pleased to host this training in our library.


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